Registration Tiers

Most people registering for the conference will use the Attendee registration form. This tier is $350 for full access to all four days of the conference.

This tier is for accepted participants and performers. If you are a part of this category, you received your registration information in advance alongside your acceptance. Performers and participants receive a discount and will have full access to all four days of the conference at $275.

All students, be they participants, performers, or attendees, should register at the lowest rate available to them which is the student rates. The student rate is $100 and covers attendance to all panels and readings during the conference.

Day Pass
Day passes are offered for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at $125 a piece. Please indicate the day(s) you wish to reserve your ticket for by checking the box beside the appropriate day(s). Note that the price of all three days as a day pass exceeds that of the full access Attendee pass.

All JMU students, faculty, and staff will receive free attendance to Furious Flower IV. You must register in the JMU form using your JMU email; if you do not use your JMU email your registration will be invalid and removed.

Frequently Asked Questions

I keep getting a message to verify my email; how do I register?
In order to register, you’ll need to create a free Submittable account which will then require you to verify your email before you can submit your registration. This is to ensure you will receive your confirmation email. Please check your Junk Email folder or Spam folder if you don’t receive the verification email in a timely manner.

If I register as a student, will I still be listed as a presenter/performer?
Yes, all students should register as students as it is the lowest rate available to them. Registering as a student will not affect your status as presenter or performer.

Can I buy more than one day pass?
Yes, you can purchase more than one day pass. If you are only planning on attending for two days and you are not a student or affiliated with JMU, this is the lowest rate available to you. Please note that purchasing all three exceeds the cost of the full access Attendee pass.

I’m a graduate student; can I get the student rate?
Yes, graduate students are eligible for the discounted student rate of $100.

Where do I find information on travel and lodging options?
When you successfully completed registration, you should have received a confirmation email. In this email, there is a link to the password protected page containing this information along with the password to access it. This is password protected to ensure our conference attendees get exclusive access to the discounted rates we have secured.

Where exactly will the conference be taking place? 
The majority of conference activities will be held at the Festival Student and Conference Center on East Campus at JMU. The address is 1301 Carrier Dr, Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Will there be parking available?

When will the conference schedule be available? 
A rough draft will be available by mid-June.

Gwendolyn Brooks 1994