Full Conference Schedule Outline
Below is the outline for each day’s schedule at Furious Flower IV: Celebrating the Worlds of Black Poetry. There are events taking place all four days. To see the schedule for concurrent sessions and performances each day, scroll down and utilize the drop down menu with each session.
Box lunches provided daily.
Wednesday, September 18
10am-12pm, Memorial Hall Auditorium
James Madison University College of Education presents Teaching the Worlds of Black Poetry to High School Students
Panel for Educators: Teri Ellen Cross Davis, Hayes Davis, Brian Hanon, TJ Hendrix, Dave Wooley, Mary Beth Cancienne (Moderator)
Workshop Leaders for Students: Glenis Redmond, Darrel Alejandro Holnes, Raina J. Léon, DaMaris Hill, Derrick Weston Brown
11am-12pm (Virtual)
Abundance I: A Global Black Poetry Conversation with Ben Okri (UK) and Global Poets Hosted by Gbenga Adesina
1:30-3:30pm (Virtual)
Abundance II: A Global Black Poetry Conversation Hosted by Gbenga Adesina
Pelumi Adejumo (Netherlands), Raymond Atrobus (United Kingdom/Jamaica), Bernard Ferguson (Bahamas), Yaissa Jiménez (Dominican Republic), Arielle John (Trinidad and Tobago), Rayne Leão (Brazil), Rachel Long (United Kingdom), Kopano Maroga (Belgium), Phodiso Modirwa (Bostwana), Kechi Nomu (Nigeria), Karisma Price (United States), Koleka Putuma (South Africa), Julianknxx (United Kingdom/Sierra Leone)
6pm, Festival Ballroom
Lifetime Achievement Awards Banquet co-hosted by jessica Care moore and Tony Medina
Honoring Elizabeth Alexander, Kwame Dawes, Cornelius Eady, Nikky Finney, Lorna Goodison, E. Ethelbert Miller, Harryette Mullen, Niyi Osundare, Timothy Seibles, Patricia Smith
Thursday, September 19
8:15-9am, Festival Ballroom
Open Session
Furious Flower Poetry Center Executive Director Lauren K. Alleyne, JMU Provost Bob Kolvoord, Dean of the College of Arts and Letters Traci Zimmerman, Dean of JMU Libraries Bethany Nowviskie
9:15-11am, Festival Ballroom
Elizabeth Alexander & Kwame Dawes Keynote Reading and Conversation
Hosted by Terrance Hayes & Shara McCallum
11:15-12:30pm, Festival Ballroom
The Worlds of Black Poetry: Critical Portals, Pathways, and Emergences
Jahan Ramazani, Evie Shockley, Keith Leonard, Mecca Jamillah Sullivan, Moderated by Tsitsi Jaji
2-4:45pm, Multiple Locations
Concurrent Sessions and Performances
7-9:30pm, Festival Ballroom
Black Universe I: FFIV Featured Poets Reading
Rita Dove, Jericho Brown, Camille Dungy, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Malika Booker, Patricia Jabbeh Wesley, Tyehimba Jess, Remica Bingham-Risher, Lillian Yvonne Bertram, John Keene, Cornelius Eady, Nikky Finney , Matthew Shenoda, Hosted by Lauren K. Alleyne
9:30-11:30pm, Festival Drum
Seeds and Stars: Furious Flower IV Open Mic
Hosted by Kwyn Townsend Riley
Friday, September 20
8:15-11am, Multiple Locations
Concurrent Sessions and Performances
11:15am-12:30pm, Festival Ballroom
Laureate Reading and Conversation
Angela Jackson (Illinois), Curtis Crisler (Indiana), Amanda Johnston (Texas), avery r. young (Chicago, IL), Glenis Redmond (Greenville, SC). Hosted by Rita Dove (Poet Laureate of the United States, 1993-1995)
2-3:15pm, Multiple Locations
Concurrent Sessions and Performances
3:30-5pm, Multiple Locations
Exploring Black Artistic Constellations
O|Sessions 1.0: Black Listening | Conference Room 5, Festival
Worlds Within and Without | Lisanby Museum, Festival
Reassembling: IV Acts | Prism Gallery, Festival
Americans Who Tell the Truth | Duke Hall Gallery (West Campus)
Dlo a Rasin (Water from the Roots) | Duke Hall Gallery (West Campus)
405 | Franklin Street Gallery (off campus)
Performances | Festival Drum
5-6:30pm, AUBC Club Room
Sponsored by JMU Libraries
7-9:30pm, Festival Ballroom
Black Universe II: FFIV Featured Poets Reading
Ross Gay, Erica Hunt, francine j. harris, Roger Reeves, DaMaris Hill, Efe Paul Azino, Merle Collins, Danez Smith, Tara Betts, A. B. Spellman, Lorna Goodison, E. Ethelbert Miller, Haryette Mullen , Hosted by Gbenga Adesina
9:30-11:30pm, Festival Drum
Seeds and Stars: Furious Flower IV Open Mic
Hosted by Kwyn Townsend Riley
Saturday, September 21
8:15-9:30am, Multiple Locations
Concurrent Sessions
9:45-11am, Festival Ballroom
Black Universe III: FFIV Featured Poets Reading
Kei Miller, Frank X Walker, Shara McCallum, Tim Seibles, Anastacia-Renée, Gregory Pardlo, Hosted by Joanne V. Gabbin
12:30-3:15pm, Multiple Locations
Concurrent Sessions and Performances
3:30-5pm, Festival Ballroom
Black Universe IV: FFIV Featured Poets Reading
Terrance Hayes, Evie Shockley, Niyi Osundare, Canisia Lubrin, Patricia Smith, Kwame Dawes, Hosted by Lauren K. Alleyne
5-5:15pm, Festival Ballroom
Closing Remarks
7:30pm, Forbes Center for Performing Arts
Finale Concert: Brittney Spencer
Schedule: Concurrent Sessions & Performances
Below is a draft of our conference schedule for concurrent panel sessions and concurrent performances only; check back for the full schedule which will be posted later. Individual papers have been grouped into corresponding panels for presentations. Please note that these dates and times are still subject to change. Click the red plus sign to the right of each session to see the schedule with its full details. Draft schedule available to view and download here.
Thursday, September 19
Concurrent Session 1 | 2-3:15pm
All My Ancestors, Afro-Latinx: Creating from the Archive of Memory, Story, and Document
Allegheny Room, Festival
Raina J. León
Darrel Alejandro Holnes
Malcolm Friend
Roberto Carlos Garcia
A Decade of Poetic Experiment: 2014 to 2024
Grand Ballroom, Festival
Lauri Scheyer
Aldon Lynn Nielsen
C.S. Giscombe
Meta DuEwa Jones
Douglas Kearney
Mark McMorris
Mendi Lewis Obadike
Nature and Politics in Contemporary Black Pastoral Poetry: a Creative and Critical Conversation
Room 3313, Rose Library
Maya Marshall
Ariana Benson
Iain Haley Pollock
Amber Flora Thomas
blk folks, it’s this thing callt love
Room 3311, Rose Library
Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie
Enzo Surin Silon
Shauna Morgan
The Making of Wheatley at 250: Black Women Poets Re-Imagine the Verse of Phillis Wheatley Peters
5th Floor Seminar Room, Rose Library
Danielle Legros Georges
Artress Bethany White
Tara Betts
Shara McCallum
Tsitsi Jaji
The African Poetry Book Fund Celebrates Ten Years of Publication: Canonizing and Promoting African Poetry and Poetics
Highlands Room, Festival
Marguerite L Harrold
Chris Albani
Lorna Dawes
Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
The New Archivists: Resisting the Silence by Adding to the Archive
Multipurpose Room, Atlantic Union Bank Center
Chet’la Sebree
Damaris B. Hill
Courtney Faye Taylor
Kiki Petrosino
Writing Back, Writing Forward: Black Poets and the Practice of (Re)Writing Form
Conference Room 7, Festival
Carmin Wong
Tiffany R. Pennamon
Angel C. Dye
Black Woman’s Avant Gardé
3rd Floor Flex Space, Rose Library
Nikia Chaney
Anastacia Renée
Tameka Cage-Connely
Cynthia Manick
Natalie Graham
Concurrent Session 2 | 3:30-4:45pm
The Earth is a Living Thing: Ecopoetics of Black Aliveness
3rd Floor Flex Space, Rose Library
Ariana Benson
Ashia Ajani
Bernard Ferguson
Kenia Hale
Black Feminism in Art Song, Poetry, and Literature
Highlands Room, Festival
Shana Oshiro
Black in Translation
Room 3311, Rose Library
Danielle Legros Georges
Aaron Coleman
Esther Kondo Heller
Scott Challener
Cultivating Poetic Abundance at HBCUs: Writing Communities at Spelman and in the AUC
Room 3313, Rose Library
Sharan Strange
Sequoia Maner
Sarah RudeWalker
Tangela Mitchell
Patience Stuckey
AT Rhodes
Home and Away: Black Poets Reflect on Global Living and Travel
Allegheny Room, Festival
Chanda Feldman
Dante Micheaux
Myronn Hardy
Charif Shannahan
Poetry Prize Winner and Honorable Mention with Roger Reeves
Grand Ballroom, Festival
Roger Reeves
Michelle Alexander
RaeJeana Brooks
Black Poets of the American West: Voices from Beyond the (Continental) Divide
Multipurpose Room, Atlantic Union Bank Center
Camille Dungy
Sean Hill
Danusha Laméris
Rio Cortez
One Window’s Light: A Chorus of Haiku
5th Floor Seminar Room, Rose Library
L. Teresa Church
Gideon Young
Sheila Smith McKoy
Crystal Simone Smith
Lenard Moore
Song of a Soul Sistah: A Film Screening and Panel Discussion
Conference Room 7, Festival
Rahnda Rize
Kimmika Williams-WItherspoon
Pat McLean-Smith
Pheralyn Dove
Concurrent Performances | 12:30-4:40pm
All performances will be held in Festival Drum
12:30-1:15pm Rooted in Love-Based Praxis, Reaching Towards Cosmic World-Making with PoetTree
Marissa Désir, Nia Bethel-Brescia, Shyasia Nashele Arnold, Alma Nájera
1:20-1:35pm Where Black Girls Go
Ajanae Dawkins
1:40-1:55pm Tony Medina
2-2:50pm She, My Nation
Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa
3-3:15pm Unbraiding Seeds of Home
Denise Chapman
3:15-3:30pm Friends with Benefits and Other Tough Loves
Jae Nichelle
3:40-4:40pm We Heard It Through the Mother Vine: A Sonic Cartography for AfroCarolina
Michelle Lanier & Tracy Adams
Friday, September 20
Concurrent Session 3 | 8:15-9:30am
Non-Human Worlds: The Black Avant Garde as Poetic Play
5th Floor Seminar Room, Rose Library
Constance Collier-Mercado
Ashia Ajani
Vincente Perez
Finding a Black South Aesthetic in the Ancestry of Dirt
Allegheny Room, Festival
Tyree Daye
Ra Malika Imhotep
Marlanda Dekine
Destiny Hemphill
The New Black Arts Movement
Room 3311, Rose Library
Heather Buchanan
Keisha-Gaye Anderson
Brian Gilmore
Utilizing Poetics to Transverse the Atlantic Divide
Conference Room 7, Festival
Quaye Kojo aka Sir Black
Karla Brundage
Shawna Sherman
Southern Poetry Now
Highlands Room, Festival
Mona Lisa Saloy
Skye Jackson
Karisma Price
Jericho Brown
Dear Yusef: Celebrating the Life and Work of Poet and Professor Yusef Komunyakaa
Grand Ballroom, Festival
Lynne Thompson
Nicole Sealey
Joel Dias-Porter
Linda Susan Jackson
Dante Micheaux
Masters of Our Own Destiny: Black Poets and Professors on Institution Building and the Black MFA Experience
Highlands Room, Festival
Iman Byfield
April Gibson
Kelly Norman Ellis
Poetry as Activism in Delaware: Poetic, Archival, and Activist Voices in Community
Room 3313, Rose Library
Traci Evadne Currie
Yalonda JD Green
Britney Henry
Jacinta Saffold
Concurrent Session 4 | 9:45-11am
A Time to Mourn: Black Elegies and Remembering
Allegheny Room, Festival
Kaylon Cannon
Sequoia Maner
JP Howard
Theorizing Otherwise: AfroFuturism, AfroPessimism, AfroSurrealism, AfroProphecy
Room 3313, Rose Library
Jon Woodson
Melane Ferdinand-King
Ajanae Dawkins
Zorina Exie Frey
Black Lives, Black Archivers
Room 3311, Rose Library
Rasaq Malik Gbolahan
Erica Cavanagh
Tyechia Thompson
keondra bills freemyn
Intimate Inheritance and Uses of Poetry
Highlands Room, Festival
Courtney Thorsson
Kevin Quashie
Anthony Reed
Lara Vrana
Matt Sandler
Walk With Me: Freedom Fighter’s Homage
Grand Ballroom, Festival
Latorial Faison
Hermine Pinson
Leah Glenn
Understudied and Misread: The Ongoing Work of De-Colonizing Literary Criticism
5th Floor Seminar Room, Rose Library
Abdul Ali
Megan Madramootoo
Traci Williams
Black Poetry | Public Spheres: Explorations and Intersections
Multipurpose Room, Atlantic Union Bank Center
Almas Khan
Ryan J. Petteway
Sarah Jenkins
Poetic Explorations of Afro-Diasporic Youth Un/Belonging in Australia
Conference Room 7, Festival
Denise Chapman
Melanie Baak
Manal Younus
Concurrent Session 5 | 2-3:15pm
Magnitude & Bond: A Preview of a Field Study on Black Literary Organizations
Grand Ballroom, Festival
Lisa Willis
Duriel E. Harris
Shelagh Patterson
Candace Wiley
Nichelle Hayes
Is Hope a Madness? An Interactive Panel Conjuring Aliveness in Times of Catastrophe
Room 3313, Rose Library
Umniya Najaer
Ra Malika Imhotep
Ariel Ward
Poetics & Politics of the Unspoken: Mental Health, Trauma, & Resilience
Multipurpose Room, Atlantic Union Bank Center
Robin Michel Caudell
Teri Elam
Yona Harvey
Amber Flora Thomas
Homegoing, Home Gone: On Black Diaspora, Geographies, and Poetic Liminality
Conference Room 7, Festival
Kira Tucker
Michelle Oppong
Tramaine Suubi
Controlled Burn: Making Poems, Shaping Books
Highlands Room, Festival
Remica Bingham-Risher
Tim Seibles
Tyehimba Jess
Teri Ellen Cross Davis
A Rainbow of Shadows: Black Autists Have Landed
5th Floor Seminar Room, Rose Library
Joel Dias-Porter
Leslie McIntosh
Said Shaiye
Saving Anew: Reinterpreting Black Women’s Poetry
Allegheny Room, Festival
Jessica Brofsky
Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie
Rhony Bhopla
Brittany Rogers
Brenda Geene
Black Between the Lines
Room 3311, Rose Library
El Williams III
Nick Makoha
Christian Campbell
White Pages: Black Experiments
3rd Floor Flex Space, Rose Library
Ryan Sharp
Lizzy LeRud and Jennifer Ryan-Bryant
Brittany Marshall
Hannah Loeb
Concurrent Performances | 8:15am-3:20pm
All performances will be held in Festival Drum
8:15-9:05am Wilderness Series: Reconfiguring God
Dzidzor Azaglo
9:15-9:30am Get in with the FreeQuency
“Freequency” Katwiwa
9:35-9:50am Forest of Black Tenderness
Folajimi Kalejaiye
9:55-10:10am Choreopoetics: The Pedagogy of Black Apologetics
Ed Mabrey
10:15-11am Hella Black
Ashley Rose
12:30-12:50pm The Summoning of Black Joy
Khadijah Z. Ali-Coleman
1-1:30pm Praise This Complicated Black Queer Self!
JP Howard
1:40-2:25pm Everywhere Alien
Brad Walrond, jessica Care moore, Regina Brooks
2:30-2:45pm Years of Blood
Adedayo Agarau
2:55-3:10pm This God is Female
Ber Anena
Saturday, September 21
Concurrent Session 6 | 8:15-9:30am
In Praise of Tribal/Indigenous Languages: Contemporary African Poets on Writing and Translating Poetry
Highlands Room, Festival
Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto
Rasaq Malik Gbolahan
Ber Anena
O-Jeremiah Agbaakin
The Umbra Galaxy
Room 3311, Rose Library
Tonya M. Foster
David Grundy
Jean-Phillipe Marcoux
Sister Scribes in The Sanctuary: Collard Greens, Griot, Platanos, Tamales
5th Floor Seminar Room, Rose Library
Badiana Badio
Debra Powell-Wright
Maricel Goris
Veronica Puente
(sub)Verses Collective Voices and Shared Poetics Panel
3rd Floor Flex Space, Rose Library
Sheila Carter-Jones
Sierra Leone
Gwendolyn A. Mitchell
janera solomon
Poetics of Black Ecology
Conference Room 7, Festival
Tyler Isaiah Campbell
Rachel Clifford
Carlyn Ferrari
Growing a New Garden: Furious Flowering in Classrooms
Grand Ballroom, Festival
Keisha-Gaye Anderson
allia abdullah-matta
Hayes Davis
Carmin Wong
Teri Ellen Cross Davis
The Page vs. The Stage: A Dialogue Exploring Spoken Word, Poetry Slam, and the Racialization of Poetics in Academia
Multipurpose Room, Atlantic Union Bank Center
Lyrical Faith
Kwyn Townsend Riley
Ashley Rose
Safiya Kamaria Kinshasa
A Poignant Line: Black Queer Poets on Love
Allegheny Room, Festival
Aurielle Marie
Courtney Faye Taylor
E. Hughes
W.J. Lofton
The Necessity of Want
Room 3313, Rose Library
Brittany Rogers
m. mick powell
Jae Nichelle
Taylor Byas
Concurrent Session 7 | 12:30-1:45pm
Confronting the Dead: Black Trans Poets and the Art of Accessing and Immortalizing Past Selves
Room 3313, Rose Library
Amari Amai
Avery Robinson
Maya Williams
Cai Rodrigues Sherley
Black Buffalo Woman: The Poetry and Poetics of Lucille Clifton
Allegheny Room, Festival
Kazim Ali
Sumita Chakraborty
William Fogarty
Marina Magloire
The Sisterhood: Documenting Histories of Black Women’s Creative Networks
Highlands Room, Festival
Opal Moore
Trudier Harris
Alexandria Russell
Meta DuEwa Jones
DaMaris Hill
Liseli Fitzpatrick
The Creativity of the Black Woman: From Phillis Wheatley to Margaret Walker to Today
5th Floor Seminar Room, Rose Library
Maryemma Graham
Ebony Lumumba
Airea D. Matthews
Robert Luckett
Editing African American Poetry Books
Multipurpose Room, Atlantic Union Bank Center
Joanne M. Braxton
David Grundy
Aldon Lynn Nielsen
Lauri Scheyer
A. B. Spellman
Laura Vrana
Readers, Publishers, and Paratexts: Mid-Twentieth Century Black Poetry and the World Beyond the Page
3rd Floor Flex Space, Rose Library
Theri Pickens
Mollie Godfrey
Kinohi Nishikawa
Ayesha Hardison
Black Joy in Song
Grand Ballroom, Festival
Sonya G. Baker
Albert Lee
Black Poetry in Community and Praxis
Conference Room 7, Festival
Kadija George Sesay and Dorothea Smartt
Adrienne D. Oliver
Lyrical Faith
Concurrent Session 8 | 2-3:15pm
A Vital History: The Cambridge Anthology Roundtable
Grand Ballroom, Festival
Keith D. Leonard
McKinley Melton
Meta DuEwa Jones
Marta Webanowska
Annette Debo
Carlyn Ferrari
Matt Sandler
Emily Ruth Rutter
Recovering Black Girl Poets
Room 3311, Rose Library
Katharine Capshaw
Rachel Conrad
LaKisha Michelle Simmons
Symbolizing Strategies: Encoding Blackness in Diasporic Black Poetry
Allegheny Room, Festival
isaiah a. hines
Jeanine M. Pitas
Rachel Ansong
A Pursuit of Fugitive Choreographies: Poetics that Trouble the Line
Multipurpose Room, Atlantic Union Bank Center
Aurielle Marie
Danez Smith
Douglas Kearny
Joy Priest
Poetry Foundation “VS” Podcast Live with Yona Harvey and Mahogany Browne
5th Floor Seminar Room, Rose Library
In Focus: Close Reading Black Poets
Room 3313, Rose Library
Bartosz Wójcik
Renee M. Kingan
Shelagh Patterson
Black History in Poetry and the Visual Archive
3rd Floor Flex Space, Rose Library
Alison C. Rollins
Ashley E. Wynter
Tyree Daye
Niki Herd
Embodied Archives: Exploring the Epistemologies of Black Underground Poetic and Cultural Movements
Conference Room 7, Festival
Brad Waldrond
jessica Care moore
Regina Brooks
I Can Move Through the World and Raise a Song: Studying the African American Persona Poem in the 21st Century
Highlands Room, Festival
Herman Beavers
Ryan Sharp
Patricia Smith
Concurrent Performances | 11am-4:05pm
All performances will be held in Festival Drum
11-11:20am A Mother’s Howl
Devorah Major
11:30am-12:15pm Blackness and Blues
Jasmine Parks
12:30-1pm Sound Poems but Softly
Nikia Chaney
1:05-1:45pm Into the Black Girl Beyond
Leconté Dill, Suban Nur Cooley, Chamara Kwakye
1:50-2:05pm Unveiling Silences in Afro-French Caribbean Queer Poetics
Roseline Jeanne Lucie Armange
2:15-3:05pm Big Black Good Man
John Gavin White
3:15-4:05pm The Digital Underground Railroad Presents: Do You Know What We Do in the Dark?
Sherina Rodriquez Sharpe & Chace Morris